Is The Bible Only Written by Man? A Short Answer...

People that are more knowledgeable than me can give a deeper or even better answer on this, but I will write one of the best answers I personally know. :)

Let's just think about this logically...

If the Bible is man-made, why does it go against man's desires?

The Bible teaches that you simply cannot earn your way, or be good enough, to get to heaven. Good deeds will not get you to heaven. It says heaven is a gift for God's forgiven children, not a reward for deserving, "holier-than-thou" people.

"Then Jesus told his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'"

Matthew 16:24

Jesus taught that sin is not just physical actions. Read Matthew 5:21-30. Read how Jesus says that murder begins in the heart, if you so much as hate someone you are guilty of murder. (Also read 1 John 3:15.) 

Who wants to hear that

Picture yourself in a horrible situation, say you're being tortured by someone. If you so much as hate that person, you are doing wrongly, you are guilty of murder. I've never been tortured by someone, but to be honest I have definitely hated people before. 

Matthew 5:43-48 states that we should love our enemies. It says we should do good to those who hate us. That's not easy. We may not even like to hear that. But friend that's how God shows us our need for Him.

Yes, God wrote through people, but I believe that that is actually an intelligent way to deliver his message. 

God wants a personal relationship with you. He doesn't want to be some distant sky-god that doesn't care about you. He made personal relationships with the authors of the Bible, wrote through them and used their unique gifts and perspectives so that we could easier relate to Him. 



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